Monday 6 October 2014

7th Oct Meeting -Geoff Leddy - RACQ

John welcomed Geoff
There were no visitors

International Toast
Norm proposed a toast to RC Hong Kong.
Chartered in 2009 and has 33 young members of 33 years average age
They meet for Business purposes.  The government is touting for business. HK is very “secure” for business with few going broke
Norm couldn’t tell us a lot more. 

Gerry, Ian, Ron, Helen
President's Report
Deb & Alan to meet Jarrod soon about Men’s shed
QAM last week, Mark McArdle rang to check.
Church of Christ in Nambour does their Shed & Patrick will meet their guys in Caloundra
RYDA list going round
Climate Change function at USC next Monday
Alan introduced fellow civil engineer Geoff
Geoff has worked with Brisbane & Bundaberg Councils before starting a private consultancy which has ran for 25 years in Bris & Caloundra. Eventually GHD took over.
Geoff is a Rotarian and Past President.  His brother John is also a civil engineer and DG elect.  (sounds like Alan’s long lost second family)
John is in his last six weeks as President of the RACQ.  It is Queensland’s biggest club.
Alan & his Mercedes are big fans.

Tecky "has anyone got a clue?" Alan

John thanked Geoff for his most informative talk
Alan - Beyond Blue - computer for Men’s Shed
Judy about Mental Health Week
Google for ARH donation
Bigger than cancer.
John - Wed week - RYDA & USC Ride to Work BBQ clash so all hands on deck

Sergeant Noel came good with his pic of Alf in lycra.
She gets testy does our Deb 

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