Pauline took the chair, and immediately left us in no doubt that the meeting was a serious affair and that no mucking around would be tolerated. Although there is no truth to the rumor that she was the schoolteacher from hell, we all sat up straight, paid attention, and made sure she couldn’t get her hands on a heavy ruler.
International Toast
In unnatural haste, Merv proposed a toast to the Rotary Club of Gizo which meets at PT 109 on Wednesdays
Welcome to May Brain & guest speaker Cilla
Helen, Ron, Gerry&Jan
Lauren at the Currimundi Special School.
Presidents Report
BBQ Roster Carols on Kings BBQ on Sunday 22 Dec.
Tranquility Garden in the news
Deborah attended the STEMM graduation, which was attended by other Rotary & Inner Wheel members.
The chair duely admonished Deborah for such a weak President’s Report, and she had to sit in the corner for the rest of the meeting.
As a fellow travellor, Neil introduced Cilla Kambona to speak about her life and travelling in Tanzania. It seems she got the traveling bug after a Rotary exchange to Denmark.
After a quick thanks to Alf,Neil & Helen for the invitation, Cilla then tried to drum up a few brownie points from the chair because her father was a school principal. While completing Grades 11 & 12 in Biloela, she went through the interview process with encouragement from exchange students from Norway & Sweden. RC Biloela backed her all the way.
In 12 months she learnt Danish, drunk copious amounts of an unpronounceable but evil sounding brew after she turned 18, and had a white Christmas. I’m having trouble reading my notes here so I hope the chair glosses over this bit when she does her check. Anyway, Cilla became a tourist and for over two and a half years travelled in Europe, Egypt and the Middle East, then travelled from Nairobi to South Africa overland to an endless soundtrack of Bob Marley. Then came North and South America including hitching across Canada. She met (or was picked up by) her future Tanzanian husband Michael in Toronto.
That was 12 years ago and they now have four children aged 7, 5, 3 & 1.

Rotarians listened with great interest
The family visited Tanzania after Michael’s father’s death, with amazing family experiences. Cilla recounted turning up with a goat on the car roof & 50kg of rice. The people love Soccer. They travelled extensively and experienced the wildlife and natural wonders. Auzzies don’t go there much as it is expensive to get there, and bribery and corruption, and mob justice need to be handled with care. One radar trap was catching safari cars with the speed on the device written in white out - but the fine was moderate.

Cilla and Michael run tours to Tanzania, costs in the order of $8,000 - a good one for the bucket list. Cilla passed round her albums filled with photos of exotic wildlife.

Pauline thanked Cilla but only gave her
four out of ten cause she’s such a hard marker.
Lauren - exchange student lunch at Happy Valley on Monday 9th 12:30.
Please RSVP by Friday
Pauline spoke about Norm’s friend Anna who works with a community radio station - she will do a phone interview an interview with Alf or Merv.
John noted that the RSL would sponsor the Golf Day for $2,500 - good work
Julianna asked for an email if venue changed
Alf appealed for guest speaker ideas for next year

Sergeant Noel tried to be nasty but we
were all a bit relieved to see the back of the chair for a while.
Next week
Noel - chair, Genta - desk & Pauline - intro
Next three meetings at Oaks
10th with Amy Doring
17th with Rick Petersen
24th with Father Christmas
Late news
Phillipines & Variety Fundraiser 8th December
Hello Everyone
My husband & I have been offered an opportunity to hold a fundraising event at
Kings Beach Tavern which is fantastic.. but it is in just over ONE WEEK’s time!
This fundraising event will support children in the disaster-stricken Philippines, as well as disabled kids locally by raising funds for another Liberty Swing for the Sunshine Coast.
We are hoping to gain as much interest as possible through the community in a very short space of time! We were offered this event on last week. Unfortunately the event wasn’t approved to appear in the PLC newsletter. Therefore if you could do something as simple as sharing this email with friends, liking our event on Facebook or dropping in on the afternoon. Also we have A5 flyers that can be left in a waiting room, displayed at your work/tearoom etc. or if you have a little free time and like a leg stretch popped in your neighbours letterboxes.
In addition if you have any time to spare, suggestions or contacts, know of any other businesses that would like to get involved (i can forward you a media release) no matter how small offering a service, a discounted service voucher, 2 for 1, items to donate for the raffle/door prize (new/unopened items you have laying around?) monetary donation or would like to have their name listed on the Alby’s Honour Role on our Variety Bash cars.
I am looking for a face-painter or someone to do hair wraps or similar for the event please.
We are quite new to the Caloundra area , so if you know of any Community Notice boards or surrounds where I can display a flyer, let me know!
Thanking you in advance
Nadia & Chris Lake
0403 140 990
From: Ross Harrison <>
Subject: RE: Sad New: DG Trevor in accident
Date: 5 December 2013 4:00:42 PM AEST
Hi Helen
I am told by Jon Jones that
Trevor is out of danger and in good spirits.
From: Helen Fox []
Sent: Thursday, 5 December 2013 09:23
To: Deborah; Ross Harrison; Janet Cutler; Richard Townsend
Subject: Sad New: DG Trevor in accident
Dear Presidents
Ross Horne has just rung to say Trevor has had a very bad accident. He has a badly fractured skull. Apparently one of his cattle got angry. Robyn and George McKenzie were with him.
I know very little other than Trevor's son is driving Robyn 'down' so presume Brisbane and George is going with someone else. Ross only knows he has been put into an induced coma to try and assist his body to cope. He doesn't know which hospital.
More info will come in shortly so if you wish to ring later, please do. In the meantime, can I ask you to let your own membership know and let's send all our collective 'best wishes' to Trevor.
Kind regards
Helen Fox
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