22nd October
Chair NeilInternational Toast
RC Capitol Hill, Washington DC, meet at University Station - 10th anniversary this year
Mark Pennington RC in IllinosAmy Doran fron Sunshine Coast Youth Partnership
Christine Welfare (Speaker) from White Lady Funerals
RYDA & USC BBQApologies
Noel, Gerry & Jan, James for next three months, PamPresidents Report
President Deborah presented Amy with a cheque for $500 being from the Raw Sounds BBQ. Not to be outdone, Amy presented Deborah with a Certificate of Appreciation for the ClubDeb presented the bursary at Meridan and our logo seemed to get stuck in their projector for award after award - good trick if we can repeat it.
Energex & heritage grants coming up.
District 9600 AGM on 10th Nov - Deb needs company.
Christine gave a fascinating account of her time in the funeral industry, starting with a “calling” during her NZ Rotary Exchange as a 17 yo in Year 10, where she was introduced to a Funeral Director. Attempts to start work in the industry met with “Females not welcome, too young & not part of the family”.After a decade climbing the corporate McDonalds chain, she met a lady whose dad was a Funeral Director and knew an embalmer (although there was little need for embalming in Australia, and probably not in NZ either after they discover refrigeration) To cut a long story short she eventually got work as an attendant, then a conductor. 17 years later she runs White Lady Funerals at Warana.
A couple of brushes with the criminal underworld enlivened her story. One involved the funeral of Neddy Smith’s mum complete with a heavy police presence.
Judy spoke of our “weekend away” in Jan - 19 booked so far but room for more. Remember to take sheets, towels etcLauren has distributed the pink trifecta tickets for us to sell, Noel’s away & Alan is doing the roster
Helen sent Pauline a 70th birthday card. Pauline will “expect more respect” on her return.
Darryl spoke of grand daughter Lilly’s close shave - these Laings will stop at nothing to get in the paper. Darryl will ring round for passport/licence numbers for our cruise ship visit. More space is available.

Not as usual, Sergeant Bruce made us pay up for our misdeeds.
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