Saturday 25 May 2013

Nevell McPhee's 50 years in Rotary

On Friday Night, Alfs' careful planning saw many of us bundled into a bus and transported into another dimension, or at least another District, to witness a rare and spectacular Rotary event
Nevell's Rotary career unfolded before our eyes, with tales of his remarkable deeds done with the true spirit of Rotary
Nevell & Linley accepting the Citation
 50 years in the Rotary family, and marred only by the evil deeds of some rogue breakfast Club at the southern end of the Sunshine Coast (who will remain unnamed) where Nevell was shamelessly tricked into turning up at a formal Rotary function in his Hawaiian gear, and the whole situation made worse by the sordid detail being leaked to the press.  Nevell was understandably still furious and left the audience in no doubt about the serious nature of this treachery.
 However, after some gentle persuasion,  all seemed to be forgiven

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